

Chamrousse bus lines

Always respecting barrier gestures and social distancing: wearing a mask is recommended in vehicles!

Public transport in Chamrousse

There are 3 main bus stops in Chamrousse: Chamrousse 1650 - Recoin, Chamrousse 1750 - Roche Béranger and Chamrousse 1600 - Arselle plateau.
And several public transport lines serving the resort:
- regular bus line (all year - winter only week): T87 regional bus (to/from Grenoble)
- seasonal bus lines :
-> winter only: Transaltitude with Skiligne (to/from Grenoble) and Skibus 707 (to/from Grenoble and Uriage)
-> summer only: Estibus 707 (to/from Grenoble and Uriage)
- transport on demand (TAD) all year long: TouGo - G701 line (to/from Uriage)
- free resort shuttle in winter and summer only (to/from Chamrousse 1750 - Roche Béranger, Chamrousse 1700 - Bachat Bouloud, Chamrousse 1650 - Recoin and Chamrousse 1600 - Arselle plateau/nordic area)

Bus lines timetables:


Travel itinerary - by Itinisère

Before you enter your departure and arrival adresses, a new page is open with a form for begining the route search in "Itinisère" website.